
Friday, June 1, 2012

Improving Math with 8 simple steps

Throughout my teaching career, I have many students who are overwhelmed by this fear of math. “Math is hard” and “Math is boring” are common phrases in school. When I was a beginning teacher, getting them interested in the subject is one big challenge. Are they generally weaker then other students? Why are other students able to excel? Is there a secret formula that is waiting to be uncovered? So what does it take to help these students overcome this fear?

Thus I began this journey to look for answers. After interacting with many experienced educators and reading numerous articles, I realised that the main difference between the 2 groups of students is attitude. Students with a positive attitude are always actively looking for solutions and they ask a lot of questions. On the other hand, students who adopt a poor attitude towards learning give up easily when faced with problems and they seldom ask questions.

Learning is all about attitude. Instilling a positive attitude in our students is critical to their developmental success. Having a good attitude makes learning easier. To be able to excel in math. you can start by adopting a positive attitude towards the learning of math.

Below are 8 simple steps to cultivate positive attitude and habits that will help to improve one's skills in solving math problems.

1 – Acquire the concept

First and foremost, we have to develop a strong foundation in the basic mathematical concept. Instead of waiting for instruction, you need to be active in your learning and ask questions to clarify your doubts. With this understanding, we can then proceed to solve more complex problems confidently.

2 – Be familiar with the Mathematical terms

The language of mathematics can be quite daunting to the average students. You are encouraged to write notes to attach meanings to these mathematical terms to gain a better understanding of the mathematical concepts.

3 – Regular practice

Mathematics; at Primary and Secondary level, is a skill-based subject. It is important to practice so that we are familiar with the strategies and patterns of questioning techniques. Make mathematics part of your daily life, look for authentic examples around you (curiosity for learning) and this will increase you aptitude of the subject.

4 - Presentation

When solving math problems, it is advantageous to present the solution in a clear and concise manner. This will help you see the steps in a logical flow and spot any potential mistake quickly.

5 – Check your work

The old saying goes “Practice makes perfect”. I would like to add that if you are not doing it correctly, practice makes the imperfection more glaring instead. To achieve perfection, we need to guidance from mentors and be able to apply the right strategies.

Accuracy means a lot in mathematics. Do make it a habit to check your assignments for accuracy. If you encounter mistakes in your work, take the effort to find out why and correct your work. This would help to eliminate those common mistakes that you often make.

6 – Read widely

To broaden your knowledge in mathematics, you need to read widely beyond the school materials (eg. Math guide). This would help you in sharpening your math skills.

7 – Work with a mentor

As with any other subjects, you would need the help of a mentor (eg. Teacher, Lecturer) , who will be able to explain the concept clearly and guide you in solving more complex problems.

8 – Change your perception

Lastly, if you have a natural dislike for math, you might want to probe deep to uncover the root of the problem. If the cause is the lack of self confidence, you will need to find ways to boost yourself. As discussed earlier, regular practice and engaging a mentor are possible solutions. When you are confident of yourself, you will be able to approach any math problem with ease.

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